
First House. First Baby. (calm before the storm)

It’s about to get real.

This Friday, Becky and I close on our first house. We’ll move out of our nice little town home that we’ve shared for our entire marriage. So many great memories. So many important lessons. So much growth. So much fun. So much puppy property damage… Now we’ll create new memories (and Henry can start destroying a new house).

And then…
In about 4 weeks, our first child is due. We can’t wait to meet him. We’re ecstatic. We’re a little scared. We have no actual idea what to expect, but we know that God is faithful.

In this new house with this new baby: We’ll mess up. We’ll learn. We’ll be exhausted. We’ll realize just how selfish we are (especially me). We know that these will be some of the best years of our lives. We know that we’ll look back and wish it didn’t fly by so fast. We’ll want to hit pause on so many moments.

But right now we’re experiencing the calm before the storm. Our house is packed. The car seat for the baby is going in the Altima this week. The moving truck is booked. Plans are being made. We are blessed beyond belief with supportive and helpful family & friends. So many thoughts and emotions, but we know that it’s good because we are at peace.

Here we go.

Jeff M.


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