
The American Dream


I think I’m caught up in the American Dream. I think you might be too. How can we recognize a sickness when we all have the same disease? Faster, Faster, More, More, Now, NOW.

I have 1 wife, 1 child, 1 dog, 1 house with 1 mortgage, 2 cars and too many student loans. We go to college/get in debt so that we can get the job that will help us pay for the debt we add when we ultimately buy the house that we’re “supposed” to have. Thanks, Obama. I don’t know who told us that we have to live this way… or that this is THE way. Basically EVERY single one of my friends and family members are caught up in this. We talk about how we’re never home. We talk about taking care of our yards. We talk about how the car needs to be fixed. We talk about our jobs. We complain about our student loans. We never stop staring at our phones. We talk about what needs to be updated at our homes and how there just isn’t enough time or enough money. I look around and we all have the same disease… and as a result, we don’t think we’re sick because we look just like everyone else.

(This is a rant) We truly are missing something. I don’t think life was intended to be this way. We all feel it at times, but we don’t know how to escape. How can we escape when the students loans, car payment and mortgage need to be paid? After all, we have to work 40+ hours to pay for these things and MAINTAIN our lifestyle. I’d rather be exhausted from playing too hard with my son. Instead, I’m so tired from work and housework that I don’t have much to give. I’d rather be exhausted from adventuring with my wife, but instead we spend more time with our coworkers than each other. I’d rather surprise my friends with acts of kindness, but life gets in the way. How do we go back?

You might say, “Jeff, this is your conviction, let me enjoy my stuff.” My question simply is… Is your stuff (and what you need to do in order to keep that stuff) preventing you from actually enjoying the things that matter? For me, right now, the answer is YES. Let’s simplify.

Your friend,

Jeff M.
